lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

Día 2 - Summer Splits 2014

Prasarita Padottanasana - Estiramiento Intenso Abierto - Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend

You can choose A, B, C or D and take this as far as your body allows. 

 Prasarita Padottanasana A

To start off keep your feet as wide apart as necessary to get your head on the floor even if your back rounds a little while placing the head down. Lean forward, strengthen the legs, hollow out the pelvis and elongate your back muscles. Once that's easy, bring the feet a little closer and slide your torso through your thighs, moving you hands and your head back. Press the top of the head into the ground, keep the belly sucked in and relax into the deep hip flexion. Going deeper in this posture prepares you for the splits, Tittibhasana, Kurmasana and wide leg handstand press. Remember it doesn't have to be perfect, just share your jokes practice.

Prasarita Padottanasana C, D

In "C" interlace hands behind back and aim for head to touch the floor. Once it does, then the arms an work towards the ground.
In "D" you catch the big toes. Remember to draw shoulders away from ears. Stay a minimum of five breaths.


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Lara Bell. Con la tecnología de Blogger.